
End of Year Report 2024

Dec 23, 2024 | Highlights, Reports

Andrea Pfeifer, Chair of the Global BHP BrainTrust

2024 has been a formative year, in the brain health market, and for the Global BHP BrainTrust. The World Economic Forum reported that closing the health gender gap
offers a $1 trillion opportunity to improve women’s lives, and the U.S government
initiated executive orders and investments of millions of US Dollars.

For the Global BHP BrainTrust this meant that this year we’ve even more focused on
research initiatives such as the “WW FINGER Plus for Women” initiative to better understand gender-specific disparities and suggest lifestyle interventions. We’ve also
opened new avenues for funding to strengthen the brain health research ecosystem.

In this regard, I thank everyone especially our global members, for their continuous support and look forward to expanding our signature initiatives and funding collaborations with many more institutions in 2025.